Change Log
About This Page
This page was added to help track the changes made for each week's assignment. It is not intended as an addition to the assingment simply as an easy to find reference denoting the changes made on any given week.
This tracking was added along with the week 6 changes
Week 6 Changes
- Implemented Suggested Week 5 Changes
- Corrected page media rules to remove shadows
- Corrected page media rules to correct column spacing
- Added page margin decleration
- Removed unnecessary float clear
- Add relative links to navigate to all your html pages and make sure it appears on all pages
- created nav section with id sitenavigation
- Add absolute link to third party site and make sure it opens in a separate tab
- added absolute mailto link to contacts section
- Add a link to a location with the same or relatively located page on your website
- added skipnav function to all pages
- Use styles to remove underline from all links on your pages
- removed underlines from all links with the exception of the contact info mailto link so as to denote a link and maintain good contrast
- Use pseudo-class styles (a:hover, a:visited) to create an interactive nav bar
- added hover and visited color shifts, a text shadow was added on click
- Proper use of each an ordered, unordered and description list
- Ordered List: Position Responsibilities
- Unordered List: Navbar
- Description List: subbed in to entry structure on homepage
- Create nav bar structure with nested ul
- see above
- A data table that demonstrates use of thead, tbody, tfoot and spanning of either a column/row
- Table Structure added to portfolio page
- Apply appropriate CSS to format your lists and table
- adjustments to styles.css made to accomodate new features
Week 6 Suggested Changes
- Add Absolute link (absolute vs mailto confusion)
- replaced example link in portfolio page with a link to my old instructables account
- Add relative link (incorrectly linked to article rather than an ID)
- added a "skipnavtarget" id to all article feilds for the skip nav button to target - tested and working correctly now
- padding mismatch between index and secondary pages
- fixed by switching "aboutme" id to "content" class allowing for multiple uses in each page to help standardize spacing
- Remove nav ID due to redundancy
- Removed ID from HTML and edited CSS to use nav tag instead
Week 7 Changes
- Add a background image either to a container element or to the body directly
- parchment2.png tiled parchment wallpaper added to body of page
- Nest at least one image into a figure tag and include the figcaption
- instructables page link nested in a figure including a caption on portfolio.html
- Make sure all images are stored in an images subfolder
- all images used in page stored in images subfolder
- Make sure all images include content in their alt attributes that describe the image for accessibility and are given height/width attributes
- detailed description of instructables logo and acompanying link included in alt tag
- Use one image as a hyperlink object, making sure to describe the link location in the alt attribute
- instructables page link embeded in instructables image and figcaption - link location also described in image alt text
- Apply CSS styles to images and/or figure container and figcaption tag to provide layout and other desired formatting instructions
- CSS used to control formatting of figcaption, add padding to figure on portfolio page, and make images responsive to screen resolution per w3c guide
- made scraping the site for my email more difficult
- obfuscated mailto links using javascript
- removed nav bar from printout
- added @media print rule
Week 7 Suggested Changes
- Absolute links opened in same tab (suggested by Brian Kneeland)
- added blank target argument to external links on portfolio page
- Misordered pseudo class entries (suggested by Brian Kneeland)
- reordered listings
- hard to read article link text after having been visited (suggested by Brian Kneeland)
- added an article visited entry to darken the visited link color over the lighter back ground
Week 8 Changes
- Construct a media query for small resolutions
- added multiple stepped media queries at 380px, 460px, and 800px to handle small to standard screens
- Create a Widescreen layout
- Added a media query at 1366px to accomodate 1366x768 widescreen laptop displays and larger
- column width fixed (home and references pages) for smaller displays
- reduced width from 100% to 90% so as to align better with the rest of the content
- added flexibility to column layout and reduced css clutter
- whistory and ehistory IDs were replaced with the column-section class
Week 8 Suggested Changes
- Incorrect Media Rules Order
- Moved print and page media rules to the bottom of the media rules
- Page margin rules nested within print rules
- moved out of the print rules as its own rule
- CSS Verification image included on print
- added a footer img selector to the print rules section to prevent it from displaying on a print